Strategic Expertise

Real estate investment determines the long term. Beyond the relevance to current and future needs, location, flexibility of use, risk management and overall profitability are the fundamentals of real estate strategy, both in creation phase than development phase 

The missions at the international concern logistics, mainly for food products:

  • The identification of the problematic with screening assessment on of the idea in the context
  • The economic context with synthesis of key figures at the macro and micro levels
  • The analysis of existing and prospective flows at international, national, local levels
  • The optimal location with the analysis of the macro and micro localization
  • The external connections with the communication infrastructures
  • The conceptual master plan of the site
  • The flexibility of use of structures, adapted to current needs, adaptable to future
  • The risk management :environmental protection, fire safety, food safety, malevolence security
  • The functional review with the obsession to the "just enough"
  • The optimization of the overal cost, l investment and operating 
  • The general Program with the site layout plan, the functional diagrams, the technical principles
  • The business model in comparison with some worldwide examples
  • The human organization and operating methods, adapted to the context
  • The business plan with the assessment of return on investment et profitability
  • The feasibility of the project, with the reasoned opinion and the risk assessment
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